Office of the Child Advocate

Displaying 1 - 40 of 40
Thumbnail Title Parent Item Node id
Office of the Child Advocate Office of Governmental Accountability, Connecticut State Library 3732049
Office of the Child Advocate 2021-2022 annual report Office of the Child Advocate ... annual report, Connecticut State Library 81728
Office of the Child Advocate ... annual report State Publications, Connecticut State Library 81758
Public findings letter: OCA review of critical incidents involving children, including the death of Kaylee S., OCA recommendations for fatality prevention, transparency, and accountability State Publications, Connecticut State Library 1426741
Disability rights advisory: New state law limits use of restraint and seclusion of children in schools State Publications, Connecticut State Library 1957271
Position statement from a coalition of Connecticut stakeholders: ensuring access to affordable day care and home visitation services is an essential child wellbeing and maltreatment prevention strategy State Publications, Connecticut State Library 1896945
Improving access to care for Connecticut children with special health care needs : state health insurance options State Publications, Connecticut State Library 3316636
Alert: Unsafe sleep related deaths are the leading cause of preventable deaths of infants in Connecticut State Publications, Connecticut State Library 1453520
OCA Fatality Investigation Findings & Recommendations Letter regarding the Death of 17 year old Alex Medina State Publications, Connecticut State Library 1698449
More Guidance and Oversight Needed For Students on Homebound Instruction -- An Issue Brief from the Office of the Child Advocate: November 2017 State Publications, Connecticut State Library 3673468
Source and Errata Sheet to the Investigative Facility Report: Connecticut Juvenile Training School and Pueblo Unit, July 22, 2015 State Publications, Connecticut State Library 3359005
Office Of The Child Advocate Investigative Facility Report: Addendum to the July 22, 2015 report regarding the Connecticut Juvenile Training School and Pueblo Girls’ Unit State Publications, Connecticut State Library 2042639
Investigation of the death of Ezramicah H. State Publications, Connecticut State Library 1337723
OCA Letter of Concern: Systemic Educational Programming Review - Children with Disabilities Transitioning to Vernon Public Schools State Publications, Connecticut State Library 2257562
Riverview Hospital Quarterly Report, March 2009 Riverview Hospital Quarterly Reports, Connecticut State Library 943811
Riverview Hospital Quarterly Report, January 2009 Riverview Hospital Quarterly Reports, Connecticut State Library 1002687
Riverview Hospital Quarterly Report, October 2008 Riverview Hospital Quarterly Reports, Connecticut State Library 2443207
Riverview Hospital Quarterly Report, July 2008 Riverview Hospital Quarterly Reports, Connecticut State Library 3602026
Riverview Hospital Quarterly Report, April 2008 Riverview Hospital Quarterly Reports, Connecticut State Library 2271747
Riverview Hospital Quarterly Report, January 2008 Riverview Hospital Quarterly Reports, Connecticut State Library 3001659
Riverview Hospital Quarterly Report, October 2007 Riverview Hospital Quarterly Reports, Connecticut State Library 3130423
Riverview Hospital Quarterly Reports State Publications, Connecticut State Library 943821
12 years of child gun deaths and injuries in Connecticut Office of the Child Advocate, Connecticut State Library 1841805
Regarding the Connecticut Juvenile Training School (CJTS), Summary Report State Publications, Connecticut State Library 2987352
Puede ocurrir en un segundo con una salpicadura, los líquidos y el vapor queman como el fuego State Publications, Connecticut State Library 3401945
It can happen in a flash with a splash, liquid and steam burn like fire State Publications, Connecticut State Library 1192150
Suicidio juvenil alerta de salud pública de CT: Un llamado a la acción State Publications, Connecticut State Library 2772470
CT public health alert: Youth suicide, a call to action State Publications, Connecticut State Library 131257
Un sueño seguro para su bebé State Publications, Connecticut State Library 304255
Safe sleep for your baby State Publications, Connecticut State Library 542933
Legislative Hearing Report; Albert J. Solnit Center South and the OCA Review of Circumstances Leading to the Death of Destiny G. State Publications, Connecticut State Library 3087052
OCA Investigation Findings & Recommendations Letter: Systemic Review of Adult Sexual Misconduct in New London Public Schools State Publications, Connecticut State Library 3544612
¿Quién está en riesgo de ahogarse? State Publications, Connecticut State Library 987845
Who is at risk for drowning? State Publications, Connecticut State Library 428573
Statement Regarding Finding Number 4 of OCA’s Child Fatality Investigative Report on the death of Londyn Sack, Originally Issued December 22, 2015. State Publications, Connecticut State Library 707365
Office of the Child Advocate Affirmative Action Policy Statement State Publications, Connecticut State Library 2070669
Office of the Child Advocate Discrimination Complaint Procedure State Publications, Connecticut State Library 1884682
Americans With Disabilities Act Policy State Publications, Connecticut State Library 40062
Meriden Public Schools Complaint Investigation Letter State Publications, Connecticut State Library 428459
Waterbury Public Schools Progress Update State Publications, Connecticut State Library 572813