Office of Early Childhood

Displaying 1 - 45 of 45
Thumbnail Title Parent Item Node id
Early Childhood Education Fund Report, 2024 Early Childhood Education Fund Report per P.A. 23-204, Sec. 339, Connecticut State Library 3763368
Home visiting, child care, family resource center, and healthcare assets within “high poverty, low opportunity” communities in Connecticut. Report per P.A 23-205 Home visiting, child care, family resource center, and healthcare assets within “high poverty, low opportunity” communities in Connecticut. Report per P.A 23-205, Connecticut State Library 3763367
Early Childhood Education Fund Report per P.A. 23-204, Sec. 339 Office of Early Childhood, Connecticut State Library 3763242
Home visiting, child care, family resource center, and healthcare assets within “high poverty, low opportunity” communities in Connecticut. Report per P.A 23-205 Office of Early Childhood, Connecticut State Library 3763239
Start Early -- Early Childhood Development report, January 2024 Start Early -- Early Childhood Development report, Connecticut State Library 3743941
Office of Early Childhood Departments and Agencies, Connecticut State Library 3732059
OEC-CCYC regulatory action report, Q1 2023 OEC-CCYC regulatory action report, Connecticut State Library 1585528
Annual report on the status of early care and education in Connecticut, FY 2022 Annual report on the status of early care and education in Connecticut, Connecticut State Library 3219147
Connecticut Two-Generational (2Gen) Initiative report to the Connecticut General Assembly, pursuant to C.G.S. sec. 17b-112l, December 2022 Connecticut Two-Generational (2Gen) Initiative report to the Connecticut General Assembly, pursuant to C.G.S. sec. 17b-112l, Connecticut State Library 3576140
OEC-CCYC regulatory action report, Q4 2022 OEC-CCYC regulatory action report, Connecticut State Library 1973461
OEC-CCYC regulatory action report, Q4 2021 OEC-CCYC regulatory action report, Connecticut State Library 975776
OEC-CCYC regulatory action report, Q3 2022 OEC-CCYC regulatory action report, Connecticut State Library 3318641
OEC-CCYC regulatory action report, Q3 2021 OEC-CCYC regulatory action report, Connecticut State Library 3461506
OEC-CCYC regulatory action report, Q2 2022 OEC-CCYC regulatory action report, Connecticut State Library 2173670
OEC-CCYC regulatory action report, Q2 2021 OEC-CCYC regulatory action report, Connecticut State Library 275131
OEC-CCYC regulatory action report, Q1 2022 OEC-CCYC regulatory action report, Connecticut State Library 2416934
OEC-CCYC regulatory action report State Publications, Connecticut State Library 275179
Child Care and Development Fund plan for Connecticut, FFY 2022-2024 Child Care and Development Fund plan for Connecticut, Connecticut State Library 3461213
Child Care and Development Fund plan for Connecticut State Publications, Connecticut State Library 1048347
Start Early -- Early Childhood Development report, January 2023 Start Early -- Early Childhood Development report, Connecticut State Library 3418370
Start Early -- Early Childhood Development report Office of Early Childhood, Connecticut State Library 813748
Update of education qualifications for teachers (qualified staff members) in state-funded early childhood programs, December 2022 Update of education qualifications for teachers (qualified staff members) in state-funded early childhood programs, Connecticut State Library 1628197
Overview of early childhood services in Connecticut, 2022 Overview of early childhood services in Connecticut, Connecticut State Library 1728952
Overview of early childhood services in Connecticut State Publications, Connecticut State Library 1728959
OEC report--C.G.A. section 10-509, 2022 OEC report--C.G.A. section 10-509, Connecticut State Library 2689030
OEC report--C.G.A. section 10-509 State Publications, Connecticut State Library 322579
P.A. 19-61: Proposed early childhood educator compensation schedule State Publications, Connecticut State Library 1757474
Home Visitation Program Consortium annual legislative report, 2022 Home Visitation Program Consortium annual legislative report, Connecticut State Library 1106287
Home Visitation Program Consortium annual legislative report, 2021 Home Visitation Program Consortium annual legislative report, Connecticut State Library 1556372
Home Visitation Program Consortium annual legislative report, 2020 Home Visitation Program Consortium annual legislative report, Connecticut State Library 1771796
Home Visitation Program Consortium annual legislative report, 2019 Home Visitation Program Consortium annual legislative report, Connecticut State Library 649851
Program report card: The Connecticut home visiting system at the Office of Early Childhood (OEC) Office of Early Childhood, Connecticut State Library 41124
FY 2022 Program Report Card: State Funded Home Visiting (Office of Early Childhood) Program report card: The Connecticut home visiting system at the Office of Early Childhood (OEC), Connecticut State Library 2287765
Update of education qualifications for teachers (qualified staff members) in state-funded early childhood programs, December 2021 Update of education qualifications for teachers (qualified staff members) in state-funded early childhood programs, Connecticut State Library 321739
Update of education qualifications for teachers (qualified staff members) in state-funded early childhood programs State Publications, Connecticut State Library 321746
Special Act 14-22 State Publications, Connecticut State Library 3274158
FY 2021 Program Report Card: State Funded Home Visiting (Office of Early Childhood) Program report card: The Connecticut home visiting system at the Office of Early Childhood (OEC), changeme 1090395
FY19 and F20 Program Report Card: State Funded Home Visiting (Office of Early Childhood) Program report card: The Connecticut home visiting system at the Office of Early Childhood (OEC), changeme 41117
Puede ocurrir en un segundo con una salpicadura, los líquidos y el vapor queman como el fuego State Publications, Connecticut State Library 3401945
It can happen in a flash with a splash, liquid and steam burn like fire State Publications, Connecticut State Library 1192150
Un sueño seguro para su bebé State Publications, Connecticut State Library 304255
Safe sleep for your baby State Publications, Connecticut State Library 542933
¿Quién está en riesgo de ahogarse? State Publications, Connecticut State Library 987845
Who is at risk for drowning? State Publications, Connecticut State Library 428573
Base Foundation - Title 19a - Public Health and Well-being 2019, State Archives, Connecticut State Library 2812167