Using Dates in the CTDA

This page explains how to use the fields related to dates in the CTDA. If you want information about how to format dates in these fields see: Formatting Dates in the CTDA

Dates in the Metadata Form

Date information is recorded in Origin Information of the Summary (Including Dates) section of the metadata form.

Let's use three examples to illustrate the different uses of the Date field

  1. An cabinet card photograph taken in 1917 and digitized in 2023
  2. A digital photo taken in 2022 with a smartphone
  3. A Book published in 1895 and digitized in 2012

There are FIVE possible Date fields you can use: 

Date Created

This field refers to the creation date of the original resource, and is the field most often used to record dates for cultural content.

Cabinet Card: 1917

Digital photo: 2022

Book: Leave blank (books are generally defined by their publication or issue date)

Date Issued: 

This field refers to the date when the item was released to the public

Cabinet Card: Leave blank  unless the image was used in a publication of some kind. 

Digital photo: Leave blank unless the image was used in a publication of some kind. 

Book: 1895 Generally the publication date

Date Captured

This field is not generally used, but when it is it records the date when the object was digitized. 

Cabinet Card: 2023

Digital photo: 2022  for born digital content Date Captured is typically the same date as creation date

Book: 2012

Other Date: 

This field is not generally used. 

Copyright Date

This field is also seldom used and is best left to experts.


For information about how to format dates in these fields see: Formatting Dates in the CTDA