CTDA Geographic Metadata Discovery Testing

The research included on these pages was presented at the 2023 Esri Education Summit in San Diego, California on July 9, 2023. Included below is the abstract for the presentation. The end goal of this research is to enable the CTDA and other archives to make content discoverable via geography terms, coordinates, and improved visualizations. 


Insights into the Archives: Interactive and Engaging Approaches

Digital archives contain a cornucopia of content for students, researchers, and the community to discover yet are frequently overwhelming to explore. While search boxes are helpful, providing a more visual and contextualized approach to explore topics enables a wider range of users to discover and leverage content. Leveraging ArcGIS StoryMaps and ArcGIS Insights, researchers and the community can explore archival interactively and through guided approaches all while reducing user anxiety and increasing intellectual curiosity.

, Connecticut Digital Archive - University of Connecticut Library

, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Slides from this Presentation



Geographic Coordinates Timeline

This page includes an sample of CTDA metadata which includes geographic coordinates and mapping it while leveraging the date field to enable the map to be viewed interactively by location and date.


Interactive Map Legend

This example includes an interactive legend along the left side of the map to enable filtering of results.


Filter by Geographic Subject Sidebar

This includes a sample map with an interactive sidebar

You can also create a custom map already filtered by geographic subject by using a customized url string. In the following example, the map is filtered to only show content for Hartford. 


To include content for another geographic subject, change the geosubject= value to the value of the term you wish to filter the map to and the map will update automatically.



ArcGIS Insights Geographic Coordinates and Metadata

This page includes an example of utilizing ArcGIS Insights to view geographic metadata from the CTDA.



StoryMaps Integration

This link provides examples of customized maps based on CTDA metadata included in an ArcGIS StoryMap Story.

StoryMap Example